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TBYB Try Before You Buy

We hold financial data on 3,488,295 or 93.62% of
all active companies that have filed accounts.
Download the full list here.
Check that our list covers most of your company records.

Download active company profiles here.

Download dissolved company profiles here.

Download 310,000 Balance Sheets filed in March 2023 here.

Download the detailed data specification here.
Check that the specification is suitable for your requirements.

You can request a list all financial data, from 2008 to the present,
where available, on a sample of companies of your own choosing.
Please list company numbers on separate lines.
Check that the sample is representative of your own database.

You can download an illustrative, descriptive 6 page leaflet here.

The CORE order form is here and the monthly update order form here.

TBYB Try Before You Buy

We hold financial data on 3,488,295 or 93.62% of
all active companies that have filed accounts.
Download the full list here.
Check that our list covers most
of your company records.

Download active company profiles here.

Download dissolved company profiles here.

Download 310,000 Balance Sheets
filed in March 2023 here.

Download the detailed data specification here.
Check that the specification is suitable
for your requirements.

You can request a list all financial data,
from 2008 to the present, where available,
on a sample of companies of your own choosing.
Please list company numbers on separate lines.
Check that the sample is representative
of your own database.

You can download an illustrative, descriptive 6 page leaflet here.

The CORE order form is here and the monthly update order form here.

XBRL ☰ Books ☰ TBYB Contact Us Legal