Databases Structure Key data 2008-2024 Last 20 months History Non zero Regions

XBRL accounts filed in the last 20 months
Jan 2023235,97241,953194,019
Feb 2023198,62437,813160,811
Mar 2023310,90248,448262,454
Apr 2023254,39638,481215,915
May 2023245,86839,037206,831
Jun 2023253,84841,078212,770
Jul 2023268,99643,418225,578
Aug 2023275,09942,018233,081
Sep 2023362,20651,986310,220
Oct 2023272,52258,599213,923
Nov 2023250,38745,380205,007
Dec 2023437,90751,646386,261
Jan 2024297,20840,475256,733
Feb 2024208,70735,754172,953
Mar 2024266,96943,500223,469
Apr 2024243,29239,225204,067
May 2024275,40142,184233,217
Jun 2024282,57445,887236,687
Jul 2024287,85164,976222,875
Aug 2024279,15842,672236,486

You can download an illustrative, descriptive 6 page leaflet here.

The CORE order form is here and the monthly update order form here.